
What People Are Saying

*At the age of 58 I was facing some health issues. I had arthritis, body aches, migraines, depression, acid reflux disease, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. I had just finished seeing my doctor and he stated that my cholesterol was higher so he put me on a higher dose of medicine to help bring it down.

I began taking the new medication, and when I was taking my shower the next morning I started to bleed from the mouth and nose. I thought this was the end. The bleeding stopped after a few minutes and I knew then that I had to take charge of my own health situation because taking drugs was not working.

I am now approaching 74, have no health issues, and my blood pressure at times is 120/80, that of a teenager. I have had over 190 colonics, changed my diet and I do a colonic on a maintenance basis every month. I am studying for my doctorate degree in naturopathy and have become a colon therapist. I am now planning to live to be 120, when just a few years ago I was near death and in misery with my diseases.

You too can do the same, and I am committed to helping you.

Carl Hebert

* I’ve been getting colon hydrotherapy at Hebert Wellness for a couple of years now. I feel terrific…I feel better now than I have felt in the last 10 years…maybe even better than I have been my whole life. Thanks!

Maureen Newton

I honestly cannot say enough good about your Colonic Hydrotherapy.

* You have taught me so much, and have absolutely turned my life around. I feel alive and energetic again. People have commented on my energy levels and how chipper I am. I feel the drive to exercise & be active again. And the weight I’ve lost is great motivation and proof of everything you’ve taught me. You’re right. Part of it comes from cleaning out and restoring your colon health. And the other part comes from learning that it really does matter what you put into your body.

I had been under the impression that the older you got, the more out of shape and tired you got. (and I’m only 33!) I was adding prescription after prescription to treat each of my conditions. Water retention, acid reflux, IBS, severe menstrual cycles, etc, etc, etc. I hadn’t even realized all the side effects I was suffering from. Thought the symptoms were just a part of aging.

I took baby steps, and learned bit-by-bit. And now I have H.O.P.E.

Thank you so much for everything.

Ang Smith

Thank you for the positive experience of the colon hydrotherapy. We received first rate, clinical treatment with empathy and care.
Thanks again…

Betty and Ray

Thank you for encouraging me to take better care of myself, and to more carefully consider what I put into my body. My body is my vehicle for life, if I take care of it my journey will be one to remember. My mind is the driver, I’ll guide it well and live a life of happiness. (to 120!!)
