Mesentery a New or Old Organ

Mesentery: structure and function Mesentery study is now possible because of clarification of its structure. Although this area of science is in an early phase, important advances have already been made and opportunities uncovered. For example, distinctive anatomical and functional features have been revealed that justify designation of the mesentery as an organ. Accordingly, it […]
DETOX and The Truth

Colon Hydrotherapy the Master Detoxifier I had bought a subscription to The Truth About Detox from a website called the Truth About Cancer. This is a very informative website if you have any Cancer Health issues and I highly recommended it. The Truth About Detox Colon Hydrotherapy is the main detox method. No matter what […]
Cancer Health Risk and Titanium dioxide.

Cancer Causing Additive Titanium Dioxide Titanium Dioxide is good reason why one should avoid pilled health supplements. I recommend to my clients Prodigy-5, a non-pill form all-in-one supplement. For more information go to : http://hebertwellness .fg Titanium Dioxide Particles Promote Inflammation Titanium dioxide particles have been linked to increased oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is […]
Cancer Defence for our Body

Enzymes keeps cancer at bay. A healthy human body can produce an enzyme that kills cancer which is made by our Pancreas. Regular colon hydrotherapy and Photonical Light treatments help the Pancreas to stay Healthy. The theory that malignant cancers are false-placentas (partial pregnancies) was first formulated by the Scottish embryologist John Beard in 1902. Beard […]
The Path to Health and Longevity

Health Guru on the Internet I am amazed at all the health gurus that say eat this or eat that and they are not even 50 years old yet. I learned a long time ago that if you want to succeed in life follow the ones that have succeeded in whatever you endeavor to succeed […]
Cancer and Regular Detoxing

Detoxing is more important now than ever Regular Detoxing is more important now than ever due to all the dioxin poured into our environment chemically and electorally. Dr. Veronique Desaulniers: Environmental toxicity plays a huge role. The EPA estimates there are 74 billion pounds of chemicals being produced every day in the United States. Dr. Veronique Desaulniers: Per day […]
Why WE Get Sick

Humans get sick and age due to Non-Nutritional Processed Foods, Toxins, Pathogens, Emotions and Acidity in the body. Acidity causes Pain. Regain and Maintain Your Health Through Botanical Light Therapy, the Healing Power of Ultraviolet Light, Stabilizer of Emotion. Botanical Extract, the Killer of Pathogens and Cancers, and Colon Hydrotherapy the Master Alkalinic Detoxifier. Relieve Constipation, […]
Experts: Our drinking water contains massive doses of prescription drugs

(NaturalNews) If you drink tap water, there’s a good chance you’re taking in all sorts of pharmaceutical drugs at the same time. Massive doses of prescription drugs pass through people’s bodies and into the sewage system. These chemicals are very stable and make their way back into the water supply, unchanged. If you don’t use […]
Aluminum Toxcity

(The Best Years in Life) There has been a dramatic increase in neurological diseases linked to aluminum toxicity. The blood brain barrier doesn’t stop aluminum’s intrusion into our gray matter. Aluminum accumulates and remains in tissue that doesn’t have a rapid cellular turnover of cells dying off and being replaced with new cells, common occurrences […]
Antibiotics in Fast Food – 25 Top Chains

Nutritional focus on fast food often hones in on calories, but antibiotics in fast food shouldn’t be ignored, either. A recent report released by the Center for Food Safety rates the top 25 American restaurant chains on antibiotics use in meat products. The results suggest we should definitely avoid some major chains at all costs. […]